After 20+ years in marketing for high-tech companies, healthcare, and higher education, I am moving my past-time of creating, designing, and making things for others that will bring a smile to their face to a new reality in my life.
At my age, and in my industry, I am constantly competing with peers that are decades younger, clearly born in the digital era and, let's just say, have more energy. I work hard everyday. I will work hard until I can work no more! But, I want to work for fun. I love my family. I love my furballs. And many more people are LIKE me than they are different then me.
Thank you for taking the time to visit my store. Visit my blog. I will always do my best to be gracious and helpful. Yes, this is scary. But I want it more than I anything else ever before.
Wow... I really did just type that!
Enjoy your Friday-Eve, Ivette