Current Order Production Status Definitions
Our order status system relies on using an email address in order to look up an order but also to receive updates at milestones of an order, much more impactful with custom and personalized orders.
Not all status updates will have an automatic email notification (it would put us at risk for SPAM violations or even been blacklisted).
Please note, the back-end of the system is completely manual. We may not be as up to date as we'd like but we commit to updating as often as possible.
Here are a few of the most relevant status definitions related directly to the customer:
Acknowledgement: we feel that we are confident in items arriving to us to then ship out to you. If your item needs to be personalized, we add that time in to give you the most accurate estimate possible.
Inbound waiting for delivery: we are expecting delivery of your item from the manufacturer and we'll include a date if we feel confident that USPS, UPS or FEDEX delivery date they have provided me appears accurate.
Active Production: we've defined as your item(s) are in our production folder that includes all of the materials needed for that order to be completed. We may have had the item in stock, or we may have had to order from our vendors for certain colors or sizes or teams, as we have limited in stock items until we grow our business a bit more. Active Production is usually 1-2 days. We have added additional steps for Quality Control and our final step where we photograph each item for our records and then wrap, pack, print shipping label and get it to the Post Office.
Packaging: your item(s) have been completed, they have passed our Quality Control process and if they are handmade items or personalized licensed jerseys, they are now going to be photographed for our records. All items are then wrapped or packed up, we'll attach a note from us and label it for shipping.
Manufacturer Supply Chain Delays: Unfortunately with the current Supply Chain/Global and National Shipping Delays and Product Shortages, we had to set up the following stage: Manufacturer Supply Chain Delays, which we've defined as your item(s) were ordered directly from the manufacturer and due to either their shortages of in-hand sellable items or components of their products, or delays in transporting their goods out to vendors which have been both due to not having enough employees to work in their warehouse to artisan crafters/makers to produce their products, to front office data-entry folks.
Although we have been seeing delays increase day-over-day, with national and international news covering the bottlenecks, ultimately it impacts people directly. And it hurts small businesses. We have proactively provided extended date ranges for product availability. And we will try to have the most up-to-date shipping information on our Tracking page.